SIMULIA Abaqus Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis FEA Services

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Consulting and Material Testing Services for FEA & CAE Applications


The Abaqus Unified FEA product suite offers powerful and complete solutions for both routine and sophisticated engineering problems covering a vast spectrum of industrial applications. In the automotive industry engineering work groups are able to consider full vehicle loads, dynamic vibration, multibody systems, impact/crash, nonlinear static, thermal coupling, and acoustic-structural coupling using a common model data structure and integrated solver technology.

 At AdvanSES, we are longtime experts in Abaqus and can help with any service using FEA technology.

 Abaqus Unified FEA solutions for predicting the strength and deformations in structures in the linear and nonlinear regime. The ability to simulate these events in software minimizes the time and cuts short the product development cycle.

 The applications of Abaqus are numerous, from understanding short and long term loading effects to predicting stresses and deformations in metal forming processes to failure analysis in automotive, aerospace and biomedical components and devices.